Ordering and delivery

On this page, you will find all the information regarding the ordering and delivery of our products :-)


To ensure your returns reach our warehouse without any issues, please select the DDP (Delivered Duty Paid) option when making your purchase. If this option is not selected, returned items may get stuck in customs and may not reach us. Thank you for your cooperation!


Average Delivery Times

Our goal is to offer the best value for money for our products.
This is why we ship products directly from the supplier. This approach allows us to save significantly on transport, storage, packaging, and shipping costs, enabling us to offer products at a fair price. Every order is processed within 24 hours, and the average delivery time is 4 - 6 days.

You can track your order on our tracking page. Parcel tracking is available online anytime, anywhere, starting 2 to 3 days after your order. This ensures you know exactly when to expect your products at home.

(Click here to track your order >>)

Questions about your order?

Do you have questions about your order? We recommend checking our "Frequently Asked Questions" page first. If you don't find the answer there, feel free to contact us!

(Then click here to contact us directly >>)